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Children's Animation Workshops

(13 films totaling 48 minutes)

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Children's Animation Workshops

“Even when a difficult workshop challenged me to the extent that I would come home exhausted, I valued what I was learning about children, about human beings, and about myself. In many cases, the children moved me, taught me, inspired me and helped me to grow.”— David Ehrlich


(Tap a title below to view a particular animation)

1980 Workshop at Albert Bridge School  (WCAX, Tim Lewis, 2') 

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Attack of the Budworm  (1984 : 4') David Ehrlich & Wilson Lazaretti (Brazil)


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Trasformazione  (1984 : 4') David Ehrlich at Lanterna Magica, Torino, Italy
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One Day in China  (1983 : 3') David Ehrlich, A Da, Francine Leger at AAA, Annecy, France
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What Does Love Mean to You?  (1987 : 7') ASIFA Children’s Workshops in 8 nations
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A Friendly Flying  (1988 : 5') David Ehrlich at Yi Bai Bao Workshop in Shanghai, China
Mongolian Animation  (1992 : 4') David Ehrlich at Ulan Baatar Children’s Palace, Mongolia
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Movable Words  (1992 : 3') David Ehrlich & Mario Garcia-Montes at ICAIC, Havana,Cuba
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Pele’s Revenge  (1994 : 3') David Ehrlich in Honolulu, Hawaii
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You Don’t Have To  (1994 : 4') David Ehrlich & Edo Lukman at SAF, Cakovec, Croatia
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Travels of Henry Ball  (1994 : 2') David Ehrlich & Charles Zee in Shanghai, China
Picassolina  (2002 : 2') David Ehrlich & Edo Lukman at SAF, Cakovec, Croatia
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